Friday, February 24, 2012

The report, published in american journal

Yoffe explains, our bodies contain 2 pounds to 4 pounds of calcium >> <<, 99 percent of which is in our bones and teeth, the rest circulates in the blood >> << where necessary for nervous-system functions. Eat animal protein, which is the high level of sulfur amino acids

requires the body to compensate for the effects of these amino acids >>. << It does this by releasing calcium from the bones, literally peeing them. Americans

usually eat twice as much protein required about 70% of the sources of incoming animals.

Vegetarians around the world, receive almost all their calcium from plant sources

, particularly green leafy vegetables. The report, published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1600 >> << women in Michigan were studied using direct absorbtsiometrii photons to measure bone mineral density

. Women who are vegetarians, at least twenty years was only 18

percent less bone when they reached the age of eighty years. Closely-even women who ate

typical American diet, however, were 35 percent less bone. Ornish writes: Vegetarians, however, emit significantly less calcium and

This is why they have very low levels of osteoporosis, even if their diet calcium >> << less than myasoedenye diet. Why can not many Americans know about this relationship between calcium, protein,

, and bone loss? Campbell says, unfortunately, we completely drowned in information

out of the dairy industry. So, what the milk industry say about this? Well, they say that exercise has something to do with the development of osteoporosis.

stress and the immune system
And they are right. However, the dairy industry compares our luxury toilet thrones >> << less developed toilet practices of squatting over a hole and argues that these settlers

build strong bones in practice. Yoffe continues Another theory says that Asian lasix without prescritpion women, particularly in the

better designed hips than Caucasians, making them like inflatable punching toys that can not be

knocked down, so less prone to hip fractures. The problem of this theory is that

recent studies show that the Chinese diet is fast becoming more Western. Guess >> << that, like the Chinese level of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis has enormous implications for public health. Why? Ioffe responses, eight million American women and men 2000000

osteoporosis. This disease causes more than 1. 5000000 fractures per year, with

direct costs in $ 14 billion. Of these, 300,000 are hip fractures, one third of people

, over age 50 who violate their hips never walk independently again, and 20 percent die

year from complications. With aging population and the absence of

some plumbing apocalypse that will take Americans squatting posture to reduce

itself, frequency and cost of osteoporosis can only rise. Hegsted sums up, it will be very embarrassing if the current calcium

advertising just useless, it will be immeasurably worse if the recommendation is actually

harmful. .

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